Division of English for Business


Assistant Professor Dr.Chatraporn Piamsai
Educational Background

B.A. (Hons.) in English, Chulalongkorn University;
M.A. in TESOL, Michigan State University;
Ph.D. in English as an International Language, (EIL) Chulalongkorn University.

Areas of Interest

1. Learning strategies, Language assessment


Wudthayagorn, J., Piamsai, C. and Chairaksak, P. (2024). Innovating English language learning programs for Thai EFL grade 6 students: A closer look at program description and learning outcome. International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), 36 (3). DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2024.10061054

Prompan, J. and Piamsai, C. (2024). The Effects of Peer Feedback and Self-Regulated Learning on Thai EFL Students’ Writing Ability and Self-Regulation. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 17(1), 100-132.

Piamsai, C. (2023). Development and Use of CEFR Based Self-Assessment in a Thai Tertiary Context
PASAA. 66, pp. 81–126

Sowaprux, T. and Piamsai, C. (2023). Re-examining Productive-Skills Anxiety Constructs in Online Instructional Contexts Involving Thai Undergraduates Following the COVID-19 Pandemic. PASAA. 65: 1‒31

Wudthayagorn, J., Piamsai, C. and Thanompongchart, P. (2022). The Development of a Local Online English Proficiency Test for Young Learners: Key Considerations and Challenges. PASAA. 64: 126-137.

Cholsakorn, P. and Piamsai, C. (2022). The Effects of Differentiated Reading Instruction on Reading Comprehension and Self-efficacy of Thai Undergraduate Students. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 43(3): 715-720.

Piamsai, C. (2020). The Effect of Scaffolding on Non-proficient EFL Learners’ Performance in an Academic Writing Class. LEARN Journal. 13(2): 288-305.

Sukserm, P. and Piamsai, C. (2018). A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by High and Low Proficiency EFL Learners. In Mafalda Carmo (Ed.) The Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments 2018 (415-417). Portugal: InScience Press.

Wongsa, D. and Piamsai, C. (2018). The Relationship between Attitudes toward the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) and Scores of Thai Test Takers. The Proceedings of Suratthani Rajabhat University Conference 2018 (111-122). Retrieved January 24, 2019, from http://www.conference.sru.ac.th/international2018/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/12/Proceedings-of-SRU-International-Conference-2018-ICIIR.pdf.

Sriwilaijaroen, P. and Piamsai, C. (2018). Washback of a University English Proficiency Test from Graduate Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions. Thailand TESOL International Conference Proceedings 2018 (149-170).

Piamsai, C. (2017). An Investigation of Thai Learners’ Needs of English Language Use for Intensive English Course Development. PASAA PARITAT Journal. 32: 63-97.

Tunskul, T. and Piamsai, C. (2016). The English Oral Reading Fluency Test: Relationships to Comprehension and Test Takers’ Attitudes. LEARN Journal, 9(1): 25-44.

Piamsai, C. (2014). An Investigation of the Use of Listening Strategies and Listening Performance of Proficiency and Non-proficiency Language Learners. PASAA. 47: 147-172.
