PASAA Journal

PASAA means ‘language’. It is a scholarly, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Chulalongkorn University Language Institute, Thailand. Established in 1974, PASAA is the oldest professional English language teaching (ELT) journal in the country. The journal is made possible through funding provided by Chulalongkorn University. No payment will be made by any authors for their contributions or publications in the journal.

PASAA publishes two volumes annually: one is issued in June and the other in December. The journal aims at publishing articles on a wide range of topics relevant to current ELT enquiry including
- Second or foreign language learning and teaching
- Teaching and learning materials development
- Language testing and assessment
- Curriculum design and development
- Language program evaluation
- Identities in foreign language learning
- Critical pedagogy
- Teacher training and professional development.

PASAA welcomes submissions in four categories:
- Research articles
- Academic articles
- Short discussion articles (including interviews and idea sharing)
- Book reviews

Editorial Team
Submission Guidelines
Paper Submission

Please submit your manuscript via this link:

Publication Ethics
About the Editor-in-Chief
Contact Us

Editor, The PASAA Journal
Research Department
Chulalongkorn University Language Institute
Prem Purachatra Building
Phayathai Road, Bangkok 10330
Tel: +66-2-218-6025
Fax: +66-2-218-6104

PASAA Journal Download
PASAA Volume 15 No.2 December 1985 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
2 December 1985
PASAA Volume 15 No.1 June 1985 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
3 June 1985
PASAA Volume 14 No.2 December 1984 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
3 December 1984
PASAA Volume 14 No.1 June 1984 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 June 1984
PASAA Volume 13 No.1-2 October 1983 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
3 October 1983
PASAA Volume 13 June 1983 Special Issue (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 June 1983
PASAA Volume 12 No.2 October 1982 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 October 1982
PASAA Volume 12 No.1 January 1982 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 January 1982
PASAA Volume 11 No.2 July 1981 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 July 1981
PASAA Volume 11 No.1 January 1981 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 January 1981
PASAA Volume 10 No.2 October 1980 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
1 October 1980
PASAA Volume 10 No.1 March 1980 (ISSN: 2287-0024)
3 March 1980