A Special Talk with Dr. Hayo Reinders
Language Specialist, Regional Language Center (RELC), Singapore
Academic Writing Development as a Socialization Process: Implications for EAP Education in Japan
Learner Narratives and the Writing Curriculum: A Study of the Strategic Rhetoric
An Exploratory Study of Corrective Feedback in a Thai EFL Writing Class
The Figgerin' of Aunt Wilma: A Literary Analysis of the Narration
Predictors of Test Performance in English for Consumer Product Marketing
Nisa Vongpadungkiat and Kanchana Prapphal
Student Impressions of Portfolio Assessment: A Thai Case Study
Sornchoen Honsa, Jr., Pongrat Ratanapinyowong, Salee Kiewkarnka and Anchalee Sattayatharn
Lessons Learned Through Hong Kong- Thailand English Excursions
Kenneth Murray and Sujitra Pathurnlungkar
English Next by David Graddol