วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์ ฉบับที่ 38 ปีพุทธศักราช 2566 (ISSN: 2286-9972)

21 June 2023
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Echoing Students and Instructors’ Voices for English Course Improvement
Adaptations of Teachers in Digital Age: From New Normal to Next Normal
Book Review: Innovation in Learning-Oriented Language Assessment
Test Review: Business English Certificate (BEC)
Aligning English Grammar in the Thai University Exam with theCommon European Framework of References (CEFR)

Chattawat Duangchan and Anongnad Petchprasert

pages: 66-81

EFLEducation Students’ Perceptions of Global Englishes in ELTin the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Students’AttitudestowardsTeacher Written Feedback:A Case Study of Chinese Secondary Vocational School
Utilizing NeedsAnalysis to Explore Indonesian Senior High School Students’ Needs in Writing Analytical Exposition

Adzkiya Noor Ifadha Rahman and Maneerat Ekkayokkaya

pages: 137-162

The Effects of Speaking Portfolios on Interactional Competence of Thai EFL Undergraduate Students

Pirada Anuwech and Sutthirak Sapsirin

pages: 163-193
