วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์ ฉบับที่ 39 ปีพุทธศักราช 2567 (ISSN: 2286-9972)

10 June 2024
Conditional Sentence Comprehension in High School Students: A Project-Based Learning Approach with Pedagogical Reference
Errors in Polysemy Translation of English Major Students

Issariyaporn Thongtab, Pitchayapa Siridetkoon, Duangporn Thongnoi and Wara Chansin

pages: 23-45

A Study of an English Instructional Model Based on Flipped Classroom Approach to Enhance Reading Comprehension of Students Majoring in English at Rajabhat Universities

Vatcharaporn Ketchang,Theerapong Janprieng and Janewit Wareebor

pages: 46-69

BOOK REVIEWS: ภาษา (ศาสตร์) กับสังคมและการสอน

วิทวัส ขาวประเสริฐ

pages: 70-74

Various Methods to Find Content Validity of a Quantitative Research Tooland How to Choose the Appropriate Ones
ALinguistic Landscape Analysis of Sukhothai Historical Park

Phongsakorn Methitham and Paweena Channuan

pages: 103-121

A Development of Students' English ReadingSkillsthrough Task-Based Integrated with Virtual Camp

Pugpimon Panyakham, Apicha Paladkong and Kanasatra Kaewsaenthip

pages: 122-141

BOOK REVIEWS: Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide
Discovering the Vibrant World of ‘Out-of-Class’ English Learning through TikTok: Views from Thai EFL University Students

Aiyakarn Ounwised, Panita Rangpung, Krittapat Pitaktum and Pariwat Imsa-ard

pages: 146-170

Investigation of the Role of Grit and the Willingness to Communicate in English of Chinese Graduate Students in an English Medium Instruction Academic Context
The Effects of a Combination of Genre Analysis and Genre-Based Writing Teaching on Enhancement of Thai EFL Learners’ Argumentative Writing Proficiency

Kasidit Supan and Punchalee Wasanasomsithi

pages: 204-228

The Effects of Using a Case-Based Teaching Strategy in English Language Teaching to Develop Hotel Management Students’ Critical Thinking Skills at a Private University in Thailand

Weerapa Pongpanich, Natakorn Satienchayakorn and Supachai Saeeaw

pages: 229-258

Empowering Teachers through a Training on Exploratory Action Research

Rachanee Dersingh and Khoi Tan Minh Vuong

pages: 259-281

Motivational Strategies in EFL Listening Classes: Teachers’ Rational Choices and Students’ Responses

Quoc Lap Trinh, Thien Son Giang Ngo, Thanh Thao Le, Huynh Hong Nga Ngo and Cong Tuan Le

pages: 282-302
