Featured Articles: Strangers in a Strange Land: Writing for Publication
Featured Articles: The Changing Landscape of ELT: Past Lessons, Future Visions
Willy A. Renandya
Flora D. Floris
A Needs Analysis of English Communication Requirements of Metropolitan Police: Implications for Training and Skill Development
Visualizing (Multi)Cultural Landscape in ELT Textbooks: Evidence from a Systematic Literature Review
Moh. Arif Mahbub
Yazid Basthomi
Nunung Suryati
Niamika El Khoiri
Multifunctional Disclaimers in Thai Communication: Perceptions and Factors Influencing Interpretation Through a Mixed-Methods Approach
Anuchit Toomaneejinda
Amnat Paksasuk
Effect of Feedback Types and English Achievement on EFL Oral Presentation Performance of Thai Undergraduates
Raveewan Wanchid
Valaikorn Charoensuk
Metacognitive Learning Strategies and English Language Proficiency of EFL Undergraduate Science Students: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy
Montha Polrak
Akadet Kedcham
Charinee Chansri
An Investigation of Global Englishes-Informed Assessment Perceptions and Practices Among Secondary School Teachers in Thailand
Pongpol Suansri
Supong Tangkiengsirisin
Vietnamese English Majors’ Perspectives on Teachers’ Motivational Teaching at Tertiary Education
Interlanguage Functional Usage of the L2 English Present Continuous Tense by Thai Learners
Pajaree Buasomboon
Nattama Pongpairoj
The Retrospective Evaluation of English Language Teaching Materials in a Preparatory Year English Language Program in Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz Alfehaid
Nada Alkhatib
Jayakaran Mukundan
Exploring Gender Differences in Correcting Mother Tongue Influence in EFL Using CALL: A Study with Thai Undergraduate Students
Translanguaging with Purpose: An Exploratory Study on Student Translanguaging Practices and Perceptions in the Thai ELT Context
The Effects of English Language Classroom Environments on University Students’ Willingness to Communicate
Koravick Thiangtham
Ruedeerath Chusanachoti
Celebrities in Palestinian EFL Textbooks: A Gender and Nationality Perspective
Jehad Faraj
Anca Daniela Frumuselu
Andrea Roxana Bellot
“Climate Change Is Destructive; I will Address It in My Class”: Pre-service English Teachers’ Perspectives on Climate Change and Its Integration into ELT
Jepri Ali Saiful
Sofi Yunianti
Computerized Adaptive Receptive Vocabulary Assessment Tool: An Experimental Study with Vietnamese EFL Learners
Bui Thi Kim Phuong
Nguyen Quy Thanh
Le Thai Hung
Nguyen Thai Ha
Idea Sharing: Using ChatGPT for Diagnostic Writing Assessment