วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์ ฉบับที่ 34 ปีพุทธศักราช 2562 (ISSN: 2286-9972)

3 June 2019
An Evaluation of a Commercial Coursebook for a University Foundation English Course: Selection, Implementation and Effects

Apiwan Nuangpolmak

หน้า: 1-34

Perspectives on English Language Policy and the Importance of English in a Government Workplace

Chattewee Arin and Kasma Suwanarak

หน้า: 35-53

Motivational Factors and Job Satisfaction of EFL Teachers at the Tertiary Level in a Thai Context

Narisa Jitpraneechai

Pages: 54-87

Business Writing Skills Development through Metacognition Training

Natrada Tiyaphorn and Jirapa Abhakorn

Pages: 88-112

Cross-Cultural Differences in Language Learning Strategies: A Comparative Study of Thai and Japanese University Students

Nisakorn Prakongchati and Shirley M. Ando

Pages: 113-135

Fostering EFL students’ global mindedness at the undergraduate level through the use of literature teaching activity based on a Reader-Response theory

Sukanya Kaowiwattanakul

Pages: 136-153

The Use of Functional Sentence Analysis (FSA) in Editing

Jutharat Compeerapap

Pages: 154-189

วารสารภาษาปริทัศน์ ฉบับที่ 34